Entrepreneurship: Mittelstand in South Africa

Strategic Partnership & Equity

Honeyguide® is positioned as a highly focused, long-term partner to SMMEs in South Africa who are intent on achieving efficiencies, sustainability and long-term profitability.

Since 2012, we provide equity, hands-on management support and strategic guidance to select companies like Honeyguide Agri Services (Pty) Ltd.

Mittelstand & South Africa

The uniquely German economic model of Mittelstand, which is made up of a large number of innovative, family owned, midsize companies, helped to sustain the German economy during economic downturns.

Our added value is merging this concept with uniquely South African experience, innovations and capabilities.

The principles core to the Mittelstand philosophy include: family ownership; niche focus; robust agility; long-term, conservative vision; focus on export to international markets; emphasis on research & development; engagement in manufacturing and production; financially conservative; developmental approach to labour through apprenticeships, learnerships and on the job training.

If this is also your vision for your company or startup, don’t hesitate to contact us,
